Path of exile scion
Path of exile scion

OMFGaTaco’s Versatile Combatant Impale Shield Crush Champion Let’s start very simple by talking about some general information about the character!” All information necessary to go from Level 1 to reach Endgame will be heavily detailed. “Welcome to the Facetanking Impale Cyclone Champion Build! I made several versions for newer players and for experts, so everyone can easily understand why we make certain choices and what different mechanics means for this Build. We will be using axe and shield to take advantage of their inherent bleed damage.” “As the title suggests, this build is centered around Gladiator Ascendancy for Duelist, using Lacerate as main damage skill and max attack/spell block as defense. strTrader’s Block Bleed Lacerate Gladiator Build doesn’t require any unique items, making it great League Starter.” “If you looking for a Tanky build with high damage and budget-friendly, you’ve come to the right place. Can be done as league starter, can easily run all maps with rare gear you can check it doing conqueror’s on low budget in the videos.”


“This build is perfect for a league that you will need to survive to fight a full ritual encounter to get more loot and facing up to 10 bosses at once. With this build, you can literary clear, kill, eliminate, and destroy everything the game has to offer! best part is, all this on 5L!” “Are you tired of dying? Are you sick from slow builds? do you wish for a build that has insane clear speed but also crazy high DPS? do you wanna go AFK in the middle of a pack of monsters and get back to find them dead at your feet? Then this build is definitely for you!. I’m not a HC player myself, but anything is a HC build if you’re brave enough :)” While not designed for HC, the defences are solid and a lot of content can be simply facetanked. I can vouch that it is fast and effective on minimal investment. Double strike duelist is an old concept and I’ve started with similar build twice before.

path of exile scion

Since it was a bow league itemization was a lot more expensive for bows so I opted for melee. I designed this build for 3.9 Metamorph league. “Ths is your rare opportunity to play a build which can handle the hardest content in the game without breaking the bank! The build has evolved through hundreds of patches – always capable of playing the hardest content cheap, fast and safe! Once you start with this build and progress your character, you’ll finally experience how it really feels to play a power demon build which is not based on deceptive language, unrealistic gear or hidden PoB tricks.”

Path of exile scion